I meant to post this up a couple days ago but I got side-tracked.
This is a picture I drew for my last Art 1 project which got a perfect score on it. I mostly drew this to help my family remember how Amber, my cat, looked like since we were forced to give her away. It's fairly small since I took the picture with my camera but, none the less, I find it perfect.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
My, my, so much has happened. First off, our Civics classes at our school have to do community service projects and our class settled on ours. Raise money for Blood Water (or something like that) and, to get students to participate, the losing principal gets to kiss a cow at third quarter during the homecoming game. And, in order to get a one hundred, I have to get six hours done of planning, poster making, and collecting money......by the tenth. That gives me ten days to do six hours and that's easier said then done. I also have a 3-5 page reasearch paper on something Civics related, due by the 20th. Then I have a practice SAT on Saturdays and then the PSAT on the 15th. I'm going to see the second Death Note Movie on the 15th also. I have no idea if Chris broke up with his girlfriend or not because its confusing me and he backed out of a fight with a short white kid! A SHORT WHITE KID!!!......I'm pretty sure that last comment was racist.......
Anyways, I'm up to my ears in things to do and it doesn't help that I haven't read for Civics yet but at least I know Buffalo lost against Central Michigan on the 27th, 27-25 (Don't ask. My teacher went there and that's one of our bonus questions.). I'm seriously getting ready to explode from all of this dang pressure!
But at least I'm better off then my brother. He has to bring up his 75 in English by report card time and he doesn't have the easiest of eight grade English teachers. He ended up getting the same punishment as me when I nearly failed the sixth grade (No tv, no computer until one pulls their grades up) because I was more focused on watching TV then studying and doing my homework (true story). But, my grades were fine. Ninety-five in Honors Civics and Economics, one-hundred in Advanced Chorus, ninety in Honors Composition and Literature (with a teacher who grades stricktly), and a ninety-four in Biology (which I'm sure is the highest grade in the class). So, I'm all set in doing good in school. I just can't wait until next semester. For one, I have Broadcasting, two, I have the best math teacher in the school, three, I have chorus again and we're going to New York. NEW YORK! This'll be awesome!
A couple more things before I leave this blog post. One, I was flipping through my mom's old senior yearbook and there was a guy in there that looked like Ashton Kutcher (sp?) and my mom ended up dating him. 2. I may get another blogger account. Not for blogging about anime and such but about my life where my friends can read it. So, unfortuantly, no one on fanfiction will be able to read this one. Sorry.
Anyways, I'm up to my ears in things to do and it doesn't help that I haven't read for Civics yet but at least I know Buffalo lost against Central Michigan on the 27th, 27-25 (Don't ask. My teacher went there and that's one of our bonus questions.). I'm seriously getting ready to explode from all of this dang pressure!
But at least I'm better off then my brother. He has to bring up his 75 in English by report card time and he doesn't have the easiest of eight grade English teachers. He ended up getting the same punishment as me when I nearly failed the sixth grade (No tv, no computer until one pulls their grades up) because I was more focused on watching TV then studying and doing my homework (true story). But, my grades were fine. Ninety-five in Honors Civics and Economics, one-hundred in Advanced Chorus, ninety in Honors Composition and Literature (with a teacher who grades stricktly), and a ninety-four in Biology (which I'm sure is the highest grade in the class). So, I'm all set in doing good in school. I just can't wait until next semester. For one, I have Broadcasting, two, I have the best math teacher in the school, three, I have chorus again and we're going to New York. NEW YORK! This'll be awesome!
A couple more things before I leave this blog post. One, I was flipping through my mom's old senior yearbook and there was a guy in there that looked like Ashton Kutcher (sp?) and my mom ended up dating him. 2. I may get another blogger account. Not for blogging about anime and such but about my life where my friends can read it. So, unfortuantly, no one on fanfiction will be able to read this one. Sorry.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Bus Troubles
Several times this week I was wondering what in the world my bus driver was thinking. See, my school just assigned my bus a new bus driver and he's an idiot. He always misses the turn before we get to my school and its really annoying. Monday, he almost missed the turn and he had to go across a lane of traffic to turn. Tuesday, he missed the turn completely and had to turn around. That's not all! When we told him to turn at that light he was going to turn in the opposite direction of the school and then had to go across three lanes of traffic to get to the right turn. Then, he almost flipped our bus going around a turn too fast! Wednesday, after he picked up the people from my stop he didn't move the bus for about ten minutes because "we had a few more minutes" because he was early. Then, when we pulled onto our school's road. He stopped in the middle of the street so he could count the kids on the bus because he forgot. Thursday, when we told him to turn he went in the opposite direction of the school and then had to turn around to get us to school. Friday (today), we told him to turn LEFT and he did. The only thing that didn't make this week's bus ride a complete hell was that Desmond's dad, our original bus driver from last year, drove our bus in the afternoon and I felt safer with him behind the wheel. Seriously, this morning I found our new bus driver staring out the side window instead of straight forward. And, no, it wasn't a quick glance out the window. He was looking out the for a good minute. I swear, this guy will be the death of my bus.
And that's not all when it comes to my bus. Today there was supposed to be a fight between two kids that ride my bus, Chris and Tim. I was going for Chris to win since I know him better but, anyways. Aparently, Tim likes Chris's girlfriend and is hitting on her when Chris isn't on the bus so, Chris is getting pissed off and wants to fight him. And, Chris has about eight guys behind him that hate Tim as well. Let's see if I can remember all of their names. There's KJ, Stephan, Henry, Jay, Anthony, and Mac were there. I think the other guys were coming later or something like that. Anyways, the thing that suprised me was that Henry had a knife on him because he "knows how rednecks roll" (Tim is sort of like a redneck). After he pulled that thing out I decided to not stay and watch since this thing was getting dangerous and I didn't want to get myself injured so I don't even know if there was a fight or not. I'll have to ask Chris on Monday.
On a different topic for a moment, I know a lot of people get inspiration from different places. Most of the stories I write now come from my own head or lyrics from songs I've heard. Before, I got my inspiration from Mac (same person from above). Such stories as Vinegar, Baking Soda, and AirSoft Bullets, and When You Let Mori Plan a Slumber Party were thanks to the ideas he gave me from the stories he told me at our bus stop last year. He even gave me an idea I'm considering doing which I will call iMan. I have a lot of respect for him as a person and a friend. He's a great person and I know the reason he's on Chris's side for this fight is because Chris is his friend and he'll stick up for him.
And so, I'll end this journal post here. I think I've typed enough about my bus troubles. I don't think I need to go into detail about the five different bus drivers I had last year. Ja ne.
And that's not all when it comes to my bus. Today there was supposed to be a fight between two kids that ride my bus, Chris and Tim. I was going for Chris to win since I know him better but, anyways. Aparently, Tim likes Chris's girlfriend and is hitting on her when Chris isn't on the bus so, Chris is getting pissed off and wants to fight him. And, Chris has about eight guys behind him that hate Tim as well. Let's see if I can remember all of their names. There's KJ, Stephan, Henry, Jay, Anthony, and Mac were there. I think the other guys were coming later or something like that. Anyways, the thing that suprised me was that Henry had a knife on him because he "knows how rednecks roll" (Tim is sort of like a redneck). After he pulled that thing out I decided to not stay and watch since this thing was getting dangerous and I didn't want to get myself injured so I don't even know if there was a fight or not. I'll have to ask Chris on Monday.
On a different topic for a moment, I know a lot of people get inspiration from different places. Most of the stories I write now come from my own head or lyrics from songs I've heard. Before, I got my inspiration from Mac (same person from above). Such stories as Vinegar, Baking Soda, and AirSoft Bullets, and When You Let Mori Plan a Slumber Party were thanks to the ideas he gave me from the stories he told me at our bus stop last year. He even gave me an idea I'm considering doing which I will call iMan. I have a lot of respect for him as a person and a friend. He's a great person and I know the reason he's on Chris's side for this fight is because Chris is his friend and he'll stick up for him.
And so, I'll end this journal post here. I think I've typed enough about my bus troubles. I don't think I need to go into detail about the five different bus drivers I had last year. Ja ne.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
I've Been Busy
Wah, sorry for not posting anything in a long time! I've only had enough time to write Born from Darkness and that's about it. So busy~! >_<>
See? It's funny! Here's one highlighting Otoya's......Yeah......
And this why I love Jirou. Deep down, this guy's a fanboy XD
XDDDDD.......I thinks that's it. Bye-bye!
Anyways, I have a few topics I wish to type out. Some may be interesting while others are not.
First, I have finally finished Born from Darkness. After eleven weeks I'm finally done! I'd like to thank everyone that's read it, especially Mei-chan. She's reviewed almost every single chapter and I appreciate that. My next multi-chaptered series will be Dreams's sequel which will be out December or January. I haven't really decided. After that I may do a multi-chaptered fic similar to Trickster's Choice by Tamora Pierce. Right now, all I have planned in that one is that a Trickster, Niou, is captured for stealing from a royal family and must attend to the familes oldest son, Yagyuu. It'll be a Platinum pair fic (obviously) and I seriously want to do this one. I think it'll be an interesting read and people will want to review for it. Hopefully, I'll get past eleven chapters for this one XD
Second, we were reading a book called Shizuko's daughter in English. Overall, I liked it. When I reached one chapter I saw that the teacher's name was Mr. Wada. Luckily, I wasn't at school when I started jumping up and down and screaming. Then, I had to calm down and read the rest of the chapter. I'm sure people would have been looking at me weird if I screamed in school XD
Third, MY ANKLES ARE KILLING ME! We went on this three mile walk today for heart diseases and I know what you're thinking. 'Bane-dane, three miles is nothing. Why are you complaining?' I'm not really complaining I'm hurting because of three miles. It's more of the pace we were going. My legs were not made to walk top speed for three miles. Just goes to show how unfit I am XD But, after it was all done, I was good. Felt like I could do another three miles if my feet and ankles weren't killing me. I can barely walk now! Guess that's how I got out of going to a soccer game today XP
Dang, I had something else to say......I can't remember........Oh yeah!
......Well, not the Prince of Tennis's Jirou. More of.....Kamen Rider Kiva's Jirou. His whole arguements with Kurenai Otoya (Takeda Kohei) are hilarious. And, he's finally shown up after X amoun of episodes. Their fights put a smile on my face. Especially when Otoya was dressed up as an old women; Jirou pretending to be a doctor helping him while screaming in Otoya's ear if he was alright. And then there's their fights over Yuri.......XDDDDDD is all I can say. Oh, here's the scene where they're in the hospital. Guess who's who.
See? It's funny! Here's one highlighting Otoya's......Yeah......
And this why I love Jirou. Deep down, this guy's a fanboy XD
XDDDDD.......I thinks that's it. Bye-bye!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Chorus Stuff
ZOMG THIS IS SO COOL!......Did I just use chat speak? Anyways......
My chorus teacher is thinking of designing hoodies/t-shirts for our chorus. She was think of putting our school mascot and a music staff back there along with a slogan which we already came up with: Do not embarrass me (and we're trying to convince her to put *burp* at the bottom).
Now, it may not make much sense to you so I'll explain. The slogan is a direct quote from JAMIL! and the burp is from Hannah since she burps a lot in the class. Jamil said Do not embarrass me before our first concert and he's always said it to us (including when we went to Small Group festival. He stopped by before heading to second period to not embarrass him while we were there. Don't worry Jamil. We didn't). And then we want to put the burp on there since it's embarrassing.
Actually, I think my teacher got the idea to design a t-shirt/hoodie from the volleyball team's t-shirts they designed. Across the front it says 'We protect our money makers' since they set and protect their faces. Cool, no? Anyways, I hope we get t-shirts. I really need a new hoodie. Alyssa forbade me from wearing my green one so now I'm freezing my butt of in three.....four of my classes (which is all of them).
On another note, which relates to chorus, I joined the all county chorus. I would have joined last year but all the slots were filled. All of the upper classmen were accpeted and a few freshies (freshmen) filled the empty slots. I'M SO HAPPY I CAN GO! But, that means I'll have to stay after school on Thursdays so I can practice with my fellow Altos (the ones going are Kinsy, Kiera, myself, Rachael, Alyssa, and Sarah(all from my class period)). Anyways, it ought to be fun. I hope I get to see my friend Emily when we have an all day rehersal at another high school. If you don't know, Emily is the one that got me into anime because we both wanted to see the premeire of Naruto way back when. She also got me into Final Fantasy 7. So, I really want to see her. I miss her. I hope I get to see her.
On another note, not chorus related, I'm going to try to join my school's photography club. That's something that really interests me and I hope my mom lets me join. It's another after school thing I'll have to do but I don't mind. I'm also hoping to seriously join the art club this year and book club. Hopefully my school will start an anime/manga club because that would be cool. I'd join that in a heart beat!
My chorus teacher is thinking of designing hoodies/t-shirts for our chorus. She was think of putting our school mascot and a music staff back there along with a slogan which we already came up with: Do not embarrass me (and we're trying to convince her to put *burp* at the bottom).
Now, it may not make much sense to you so I'll explain. The slogan is a direct quote from JAMIL! and the burp is from Hannah since she burps a lot in the class. Jamil said Do not embarrass me before our first concert and he's always said it to us (including when we went to Small Group festival. He stopped by before heading to second period to not embarrass him while we were there. Don't worry Jamil. We didn't). And then we want to put the burp on there since it's embarrassing.
Actually, I think my teacher got the idea to design a t-shirt/hoodie from the volleyball team's t-shirts they designed. Across the front it says 'We protect our money makers' since they set and protect their faces. Cool, no? Anyways, I hope we get t-shirts. I really need a new hoodie. Alyssa forbade me from wearing my green one so now I'm freezing my butt of in three.....four of my classes (which is all of them).
On another note, which relates to chorus, I joined the all county chorus. I would have joined last year but all the slots were filled. All of the upper classmen were accpeted and a few freshies (freshmen) filled the empty slots. I'M SO HAPPY I CAN GO! But, that means I'll have to stay after school on Thursdays so I can practice with my fellow Altos (the ones going are Kinsy, Kiera, myself, Rachael, Alyssa, and Sarah(all from my class period)). Anyways, it ought to be fun. I hope I get to see my friend Emily when we have an all day rehersal at another high school. If you don't know, Emily is the one that got me into anime because we both wanted to see the premeire of Naruto way back when. She also got me into Final Fantasy 7. So, I really want to see her. I miss her. I hope I get to see her.
On another note, not chorus related, I'm going to try to join my school's photography club. That's something that really interests me and I hope my mom lets me join. It's another after school thing I'll have to do but I don't mind. I'm also hoping to seriously join the art club this year and book club. Hopefully my school will start an anime/manga club because that would be cool. I'd join that in a heart beat!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The Elephant Scanties
Alright everyone, it's that time again. Sanada and Tezuka have released their second single out of three. It's called the Elephant Scanties. I haven't had a chance to listen to this song but hopefully it's as funny as Banana Tears (Banana no Namida). Click here for a download.
Edit: Alright, just listened to it and I like it. I don't find it funny but it's worth a listen.
Edit: Alright, just listened to it and I like it. I don't find it funny but it's worth a listen.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Is it......
I think I'm a little depressed right now. I';l explain why.
You see, there's this really sweet guy I know that I talk to every day. Really nice, polite, and I get along great with him. For my friend's birthday, he gave her a stuffed panda, because their weren't any cows, whom he named "Sunshine". When you squeeze its right paw it says I love you twice and had a lot of my girl friends saying 'aww', including me.
So, at lunch, we all switch from talking about how spagettii is perverted to how my friend who revieced the panda, Rachael, should dump her boyfriend, Eric, and go out with the gif-giver, Carson. I join in a pitch in a few reasons why she should dump Eric and go for Carson.
After fourth period, the last class of the day, I approach Carson and I tell him about our lunch time conversation with him. Apparently, Rachael sent him a text since she was leaving school early saying she was convinced and she was going to break up with Eric (for the third time). Carson seemed a bit excited when he showed me the text and my heart sort of.....sank. I put on a fake smile and told him I'd talk to him tomorrow.
That's why I'm sort of.....depressed. I think I like Carson. I mean, I've known him since elementary school, I knew who he was but I didn't have any friends back then since I was severly anti-social, and now he's one of my closest friends. Maybe this is just a crush but, even last year, my heart would sink when he meantioned liking someone or a girlfriend.
On the other hand, my heart doesn't speed up when I look at him, I've never blushed around him. Do I like him? I don't know. I'm so confused. I thought I liked Daniel. He always put a smile on my face and I blushed around him. We've also flirted. My heart also sinks when I see him flirting with another girl since we don't have any classes togethor anymore. I don't know what to do. Maybe this feeling for Carson will pass......Hopefully.
You see, there's this really sweet guy I know that I talk to every day. Really nice, polite, and I get along great with him. For my friend's birthday, he gave her a stuffed panda, because their weren't any cows, whom he named "Sunshine". When you squeeze its right paw it says I love you twice and had a lot of my girl friends saying 'aww', including me.
So, at lunch, we all switch from talking about how spagettii is perverted to how my friend who revieced the panda, Rachael, should dump her boyfriend, Eric, and go out with the gif-giver, Carson. I join in a pitch in a few reasons why she should dump Eric and go for Carson.
After fourth period, the last class of the day, I approach Carson and I tell him about our lunch time conversation with him. Apparently, Rachael sent him a text since she was leaving school early saying she was convinced and she was going to break up with Eric (for the third time). Carson seemed a bit excited when he showed me the text and my heart sort of.....sank. I put on a fake smile and told him I'd talk to him tomorrow.
That's why I'm sort of.....depressed. I think I like Carson. I mean, I've known him since elementary school, I knew who he was but I didn't have any friends back then since I was severly anti-social, and now he's one of my closest friends. Maybe this is just a crush but, even last year, my heart would sink when he meantioned liking someone or a girlfriend.
On the other hand, my heart doesn't speed up when I look at him, I've never blushed around him. Do I like him? I don't know. I'm so confused. I thought I liked Daniel. He always put a smile on my face and I blushed around him. We've also flirted. My heart also sinks when I see him flirting with another girl since we don't have any classes togethor anymore. I don't know what to do. Maybe this feeling for Carson will pass......Hopefully.
After one year I finally know why spagettii is perverted and I can thank my friend who gets anything perverted, Danielle. I mean, my parents think I can be perverted but Danielle is like.....the queen of pervertedness. Seriously! But, I have her to thank...........Now that I think about it, it's pretty sad that I didn't get it for an entire year. Just goes to show that my hair really should be blonde instead of brunette.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
A Deer Experiance
Every teenage girl knows the who the Jonas Brothers. Even I've heard their music but I can never remember the third one's name. All I know is Joe and Nick. I couldn't remember the third one's name so I know call him Fred. He is not Kevin. He is Fred.......Just to let you know. And I will not call him Kevin. Never. He. Is. Fred.
Alright, now the real reason for my post. I shall begin it with a story. My dad was driving me and my brothers to school earlier this week and we saw an alive deer on the side of the road. This story may not make any sense because some people may have seen a ton of deer before. I shall explain.
One day, last year, I was taking the bus to school. You see, I live in two different houses since my parents are divorced. I always catch the bus at my mom's house since it's safer then going to a main street to catch the bus at my dad's. Anyways, I got on my "wonderful" bus that wasn't broken down that day (we have a hormonal bus. We don't know when we'll get to rid it or one of the older, crappier ones). Gray clouds were in the sky with little light coming through (IMPORTANAT!). After I got on, the bus picked up all the other kids and got on its way to school.
We then turn onto a road with several neighborhoods then it's all wooded area. Well, I decided to stare out the window and look into all of the wooded trees. When suddenly, everything went slow motion as a deer popped out of the trees heading straight for me. For all of you people questioning whether or not slow motion happens, yes it does. I swore I was staring at that thing for twenty seconds before it hit. But, before it could actually hit my window, I started to turn my head so I wasn't looking at it.
All of this glass came flying down on me and everyone on the bus gasps. The people that know me are asking if I'm alright and telling me that I have blood on my face from the impact of the glass. Other people are shouting for the bus driver to pull over and others are yelling to go to the school since there's a nurse there. The bus driver decideds to continue to school and I'm the first one off the bus since I need medical attention. I walk past the teachers who tell students to go into the caferteria to wait for the morning bell to ring if the common's area is too full. Remember, I don't know how much blood is on my face so when they gape at me I think that the left side of my face is covered in blood.
When I get to the nurse, I tell her what happened and she makes a few phone calls to my parents and tells me to get the glass out of my clothes. When I get everything out, the nurse tells me my dad is coming to bring me more clothes so I can change in case any shards are still in there. She also got permission from my dad to use antibiotics on the cuts on my face. Ends up the only blood on my face is a thin stream that stops halfway down my cheek.
Lets fast forward a little. By second period, rumors are circling around that someone got sent to the hospital because of the deer. I swear, I would have burst out laughing because of the shear stupidity of it. I politily told the boy who heard the rumor I got the worst of it. Later on, I also found out it wasn't one deer that hit my bus but three. Five total but two were hit.
I'm also terrified of riding next to trees at night because I think that a deer is going to come and hit my window again. Though there was one positive thing that happened because of this. I found out that the dark windows on buses are really made of glass XD
Alright, now the real reason for my post. I shall begin it with a story. My dad was driving me and my brothers to school earlier this week and we saw an alive deer on the side of the road. This story may not make any sense because some people may have seen a ton of deer before. I shall explain.
One day, last year, I was taking the bus to school. You see, I live in two different houses since my parents are divorced. I always catch the bus at my mom's house since it's safer then going to a main street to catch the bus at my dad's. Anyways, I got on my "wonderful" bus that wasn't broken down that day (we have a hormonal bus. We don't know when we'll get to rid it or one of the older, crappier ones). Gray clouds were in the sky with little light coming through (IMPORTANAT!). After I got on, the bus picked up all the other kids and got on its way to school.
We then turn onto a road with several neighborhoods then it's all wooded area. Well, I decided to stare out the window and look into all of the wooded trees. When suddenly, everything went slow motion as a deer popped out of the trees heading straight for me. For all of you people questioning whether or not slow motion happens, yes it does. I swore I was staring at that thing for twenty seconds before it hit. But, before it could actually hit my window, I started to turn my head so I wasn't looking at it.
All of this glass came flying down on me and everyone on the bus gasps. The people that know me are asking if I'm alright and telling me that I have blood on my face from the impact of the glass. Other people are shouting for the bus driver to pull over and others are yelling to go to the school since there's a nurse there. The bus driver decideds to continue to school and I'm the first one off the bus since I need medical attention. I walk past the teachers who tell students to go into the caferteria to wait for the morning bell to ring if the common's area is too full. Remember, I don't know how much blood is on my face so when they gape at me I think that the left side of my face is covered in blood.
When I get to the nurse, I tell her what happened and she makes a few phone calls to my parents and tells me to get the glass out of my clothes. When I get everything out, the nurse tells me my dad is coming to bring me more clothes so I can change in case any shards are still in there. She also got permission from my dad to use antibiotics on the cuts on my face. Ends up the only blood on my face is a thin stream that stops halfway down my cheek.
Lets fast forward a little. By second period, rumors are circling around that someone got sent to the hospital because of the deer. I swear, I would have burst out laughing because of the shear stupidity of it. I politily told the boy who heard the rumor I got the worst of it. Later on, I also found out it wasn't one deer that hit my bus but three. Five total but two were hit.
I'm also terrified of riding next to trees at night because I think that a deer is going to come and hit my window again. Though there was one positive thing that happened because of this. I found out that the dark windows on buses are really made of glass XD
Friday, September 5, 2008
This Sucks.....
I have to go to school on Saturday. At least they made it a half day instead of a full day. I do not want to spend my Saturday in school. But, now that I think about it, on of my teachers made a very good point.....I think it was Mr. LaChane, my Honors Civics and Economics teacher. He thinks we should go to school on Saturday during the winter months (November, December, January, and February) so we can get out in May instead of June. We'd still get in our 180 days of school and get out earlier. Sure we'd have to go on a Saturday, but it would give us a longer summer then others school and Bane likes long summers.
And I think that's about it for now. I shall be on (hopefully) after school tomorrow if I don't go to my brother's soccers games. Buh-bye!
And I think that's about it for now. I shall be on (hopefully) after school tomorrow if I don't go to my brother's soccers games. Buh-bye!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
An Idea with a Rant
I'm seriously considering doing a two shot for the pairing NiouSana and I'll tell you why. I was listening to the song 'Cuz I Can' by Pink. One part of the lyrics stood out to me, I don't play your rules I make my own, and I thought it described Niou. He's a trickster, he doesn't listen to the rules set before him. Instead, he lives by his own rules and won't listen to anyone except the people he respects (Ex. Yukimura-buchou).
So, I'm thinking that part one of the two-shot will be called 'I Don't Play Your Rules' and the second is 'I Make My Own' and it would sort of be like It Makes no Sense and It Makes Sense. Each part of it will be in a different person's point-of-view. The first one will be Niou's, describing how he won't take crap from anyone, how he follows his own road, and his views on Sanada's life. Maybe on how he corrupts Sanada into his world. I'll see where it takes me. The second will be about how he's influenced Sanada(in Sanada's POV) and they......hook up....Maybe.........I don't know yet. I still haven't worked out the details in my head for that one.
Now, for some ranting. Don't worry, it's a small one.
I really, really, really don't like my Honors Comp. and Lit. class. I don't have any of my really close friends in there and no one talks to me. We have 28 kids in that class and, one time, we had to pair up to go over a couple paragraphs and pick stradegies from them. I didn't get a partner. There was a group of three and one of them was supposed to be my partner so I had to do the wrok myself. Even worse is that the teacher didn't even notice I didn't have partner and just went on with her work. What the hell?! Yeah, I could have made my own group of three with someone else but I don't know anyone really well to strick up a random conversation with them. So, I'm basically going to be a loner in there with no partner. It sucks! If it wasn't for making my college application better, I'd switch out of honors and get into a class with someone I know and can talk to. Maybe even pair up with for partner work. It pisses me off! I don't want to be a loner! I'm talkative, hyper, and fun-loving, what's not to like about me? God, I hate this class. I hate my teacher. Why won't someone be my partner. Maybe I should get switched out without a load of preppy, kiss-up babies that screws everyone of the opposite sex (that's how a lot of them are in my school. Especially the girls). Why didn't I have someone to talk to?
So, I'm thinking that part one of the two-shot will be called 'I Don't Play Your Rules' and the second is 'I Make My Own' and it would sort of be like It Makes no Sense and It Makes Sense. Each part of it will be in a different person's point-of-view. The first one will be Niou's, describing how he won't take crap from anyone, how he follows his own road, and his views on Sanada's life. Maybe on how he corrupts Sanada into his world. I'll see where it takes me. The second will be about how he's influenced Sanada(in Sanada's POV) and they......hook up....Maybe.........I don't know yet. I still haven't worked out the details in my head for that one.
Now, for some ranting. Don't worry, it's a small one.
I really, really, really don't like my Honors Comp. and Lit. class. I don't have any of my really close friends in there and no one talks to me. We have 28 kids in that class and, one time, we had to pair up to go over a couple paragraphs and pick stradegies from them. I didn't get a partner. There was a group of three and one of them was supposed to be my partner so I had to do the wrok myself. Even worse is that the teacher didn't even notice I didn't have partner and just went on with her work. What the hell?! Yeah, I could have made my own group of three with someone else but I don't know anyone really well to strick up a random conversation with them. So, I'm basically going to be a loner in there with no partner. It sucks! If it wasn't for making my college application better, I'd switch out of honors and get into a class with someone I know and can talk to. Maybe even pair up with for partner work. It pisses me off! I don't want to be a loner! I'm talkative, hyper, and fun-loving, what's not to like about me? God, I hate this class. I hate my teacher. Why won't someone be my partner. Maybe I should get switched out without a load of preppy, kiss-up babies that screws everyone of the opposite sex (that's how a lot of them are in my school. Especially the girls). Why didn't I have someone to talk to?
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
The Young Demons
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Almost Done
Holy crap! I'm almost done writing Born from Darkness 9 which means I'll be able to post it to livejournal when it's finished. If you read this story, this chapter is one of my favorites. Espcielly when.....well, you'll have ot read it to findout. Quite interesting if you ask me. Well, I better get off to writing. I only have an hour before bed. Stupid parents setting rules on bedtimes during school. I can't believe I have to go to bed at nine-thirty. That's too early~!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Prince of Tennis Song Downloads
Alrighty, it took ALL day (no joke) to upload all of these so, people who go on the forum website, rejoice! Unfortuantly, since it took so long to upload only the Prince of Tennis character songs, I couldn't upload any other music. So, I'll have to upload those another day.
Rage, click here for all of the song download links for the website. I'll have more up sometime this week. Most likely, Saturday or Sunday. If you need to know who know sings a song, ask me. I can tell you.
Rage, click here for all of the song download links for the website. I'll have more up sometime this week. Most likely, Saturday or Sunday. If you need to know who know sings a song, ask me. I can tell you.
Massive Song Upload Coming Soon
Rage-chan~~! I hope your happy after I finish uploading all of my Prince of Tennis songs. I'm uploading 99 of them as I type. Those don't account for my J-Pop songs, Best Actors albums (not the intrumental songs), any PoT song I accidentaly missed, and the Kamen Rider Kiva opening I plan on uploading (Break the Chain, very good song). I'll post the link to my Mediafire account when I'm finished since all of my files are public.....Hopefully.
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