Friday, April 17, 2009

Off to Livejournal

If you've read the title of this post, you already know what my answer is to if I'm moving or not. The answer, is in fact, yes. I shall now be blogging at livejournal under my current LJ's name sanadas_sanity. The entries shall be friends only so add me to read my usual ramblings.

I did think about moving my blog a lot this week. Especially when I rekindled my obsession with Pokemon games. I think I spent around twenty-one hours just this Monday to Friday. It even gave me the idea to do a comedy style story based upon it in a new LJ if I ever get passionate about it.

Now, as a goodbye present, I've uploaded Prayer by Shiraishi Kuranosuke (Aka the newest Prince of Tennis song, click the song title to download). LONG LIVE THE PRINCE OF TENNIS! and allow Bane to always kick David.

Friday, April 10, 2009

SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Spring Break is finally here. Now, I'm starting to think about moving to LJ altogethor since I'm not posting all too much here, and I'm putting more effort into my other blog here on blogger. I'm also considering getting a wordpress blog too. So, this may be my last post here. Depends upon how I feel during Spring Break. Let's see.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

About Time

Haha, now I have internet access at my mom's house! Finally we got the router working so now I'mm have access 24/7. It's so cool!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

New York City Trip '09

Okay, so I haven't updated in a while. I'm sorry. I have a reason. I was getting ready for my New York trip. Here's how it went.

On the first day, it didn't begin all too well. My mom screwed up the alarm and I woke up at four-thirty instead of three-thirty. I had to rush to catch my ride to the airport. After the flight, we chilled at the airport and took pictures until our tour bus picked us up. Afterwords, we stopped by the hotel to drop off our luggage. From there, we had lunch and walked through Central Park which was amazingly beautiful. From Central Park we took the subway to Harelem to go in the Apollo Theatre. Afterwards, we took the subway to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. We had two and a half hours to look through the museum and see all of the art work. My friends and I chilled at the small Cafe until we were kicked out so they could put up the bar. After the museum, we rode the bus back to the hotel and checked in. The boy's stayed in my room, because our chaperone was the mother of one of the boys, because their room wasn't ready. We left for Ray's Pizza to have dinner with a large group of people. After dinner, we walked to Rockafeller Center to see the lights of New York City. Afterwords, we went back to our rooms, talked until eleven-thirty, and then went to be.

Saturday we woke up around eight had had breakfast in the room. The first place we went to was to take a ferry to Statin Island and back to take pictures of the Statue of Liberty and the New York City sky line. After out ferry ride, we walked to Wall Street and saw the bull in the center of it. We also saw the church where the treasure is buried in National treasure. After Wall Street, we waled to South Seaport for lunch and shopping. After that, we took the subway to China Town and Little Italy. There, one of the boys tried to get a thirty dollar purse for seven dollars. It. Was. Insane. We then rode the subway back to the hotel. We had dinner by ourselves and then returned to the hotel to change and we all saw the musical the Phantom of the Opera. We ended up going to bed at twelve-thirty.

Sunday we were going to attend a church sevice at Saint Thomas to hear the boy's choirs. Afterwords, we had lunch on our own, my group went the the deli beside our hotel. When lunch was over, we traveled around Times Square. We went to places like the Hersey's Store, the M n M's store, and Toys R Us to ride the ferris wheel. When we were done, we had dinner in a diner and went to see Shrek the Musical. Since the theatre messed up on when we were actually supposed to see the musical, we were seated in the orchestra seats. Which, if you don't understand musical seating, are the floor seats right by the stage. They were amazing seats. Afterwords, we went back to the hotel. Me and two other girls met seven or eight guys from Maryland who were Jewish. That night, I probably met the only Jewish Asian. Anyways, we convinced our chaperone to let us stay up until one-thirty to talk to the guys and were dead tired in the morning..

Monday we had to wake up and pack all of our stuff because we were leaving. We didn't get a chance to talk to the guys because they were praying with their rabbi. After we put our suitcases in our chorus teacher's room, we met in the lobby to head off for Saint John the Divine Cathedral. It was a long trip, but we made it in time for us to sing. After singing, we went to the diner from Seinfeld and ate there. From there, we went back to the hotel to get our things. After packing our suitcases onto the bus, we left for the airport to fly back home.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

"The best time of the year"

Yes, it is research paper time. Next year, who knows how many research papers I'll be writing. Right now, I'm signed up to take Honors Chemistry, Honors US History, Honors English III (I WILL GET INTO THIS CLASS EVEN IF IT KILLS ME!), Pre-Calculus, AP Enlish Language (Either that or AP English Literature. I get the two confused), Spanish I, Broadcasting II, and Advanced Chorus Spring Semester. So, I'm screwed. I heard the AP class I signed up for is fun. Even if it focuses on nonfiction, I'd still like to take it. My dad would have had me take AP Biology, but I managed to get out of that mess. If I did take that class, I wouldn't have been able to take Broadcasting and Chorus. Seriously, with this schedule, I'll be lucky to be able to sit down and relax. Perhaps I should change Pre-Calculus to Advanced Functions and Modeling, at least it would be easier......

What was I talking about again? Oh, research paper. This time, I had to write a paper on a world topic. It can't be about the United States, Great Britain, or the Holocaust and it has to be in Cause/Effect form. Guess what I chose!........The effects of the Japanese school structure on its students. For the past few days I've been researching information about the school stucture to put into my paper. Some of the information I found was shocking. Apparently, there is a saying for studying for exams that goes something like 'Sleep four hours, pass. Sleep for five, fail.' EVIL! I tell you. Also, the curriculm for high school students is outrageous. Compared to a US student's curriculm, their high school work is equal to our college work. Here's something else I found to be interesting. In a Japanese elementary school class, they only have to cover ten topics the entire year, but a US school has sixty-five. SIXTY-FIVE!

Overall, this was an interesting topic to research about. I was actually suprised at how many people chose a topic relating to Japan. On boy chose to do something with the Meiji period and another chose to do the effects of the nuclear bombs in World War II. Other topics I heard were the Korean War, the Treaty of Versailles, and some sort of scientific device that related to physics that's in Sweeden.

So far, I think this is going to be an interesting research paper. Especially since we have to do a presentation to the class. I think I'm going to contrast U.S. schools to Japanese schools to show how different the two are.

One last thing before I leave, I have a week and two days before I leave for New York. According to my chorus teacher, we're going to get to see the muscial Phantom of the Opera on Broadway and talk with that cast for an hour afterwords. How cool is that? I shall answer. VERY cool.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Pissed off to the Extreme!

I'm ready to tear my stupid math teacher in half. If I have to come to school on Saturday because my stupid phone decided it wanted to beep I'm going to flip. I seriously don't know whether I want to cry my eyes out or attack the nearest person. GAH! Why is being a teenager so flippin' hard?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

It's like my birthday and Christmas all rolled into one..

A long time ago, I had a dream where I was going to name my dog Mamoru. Partially because its a cool name and because Mamoru Miyano is so cool. Well, I can sumarize this whole post in one word. Break......Well, I guess that doesn't exactly work. Break is a Mamoru Miyano album that I'M DOWNLOADING RIGHT NOW! Seriously, he is awesome. I'm going to listen through it tomorrow since I still have a lot to do today.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Hana Yori Dango 2

Three days. THREE! That is the quickest I have EVER finished a j-drama. EVER! (in case you didn't get the EVER before). I'm suprised at myself. I gave up my time that I usually use to watch American Idol to watch this show. I can't help it. Matsujun's characters is absolutely hilarious. Pair him with Inoue Mao's character and you get an amazing duo that's made for each other. This drama has seriously made me consider that two opposites can come togethor and form a couple. Yeah, Inoue and Shun-kun's characters make a cute couple but Matsujun and Inoue's are a match made on Saturn (you'll have to watch the drama to get that).

Now, I shall be moving onto Hana Yori Dango 2. I'm looking forward to seeing the last episode of this season. It had a rating of 27.6 in Kanto and 26.0 in Kansai. Compare that to the rest, and it is amazing. I can't wait until I can start this season tomorrow.

Oh, on a random note, AMERICAN IDOL HAS A TOP THIRTEEN THIS YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANOOP MADE IT! GO ANOOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

.......That's it.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Hana Yori Dango

Because this is the second day I had off from school in a row, that and I have to wait for new episodes of Mei-chan no Shitsuji and Uta no Oni-san since they're currently airing, I started a new drama: Hana Yori Dango. Since I've heard some good things about this drama, I decided to start watching it.

So far I've seen three episodes, and I love it. Matsujun's has changed a lot since the first episode. At the beginning, I wanted to punch him and throw his head against a brick wall. Now, I want to hug him. I'm pretty sure this is the fastest I've went from hating a character to loving them. It's a shame that this drama is only nine episodes long. Then again......there is season two and a special!

......-_-' Though I do feel a tad stupid for not recognizing Oguri Shun and Matsuda Shota until the second episode. When I did recognize Matsuda, I thought 'That's the guy from Liar Game!' (aka the first J-drama I watched). I don't think I've watched a drama with him in it for a while. On Oguri Shun's part........DANG~~~~! He's done a lot of work in dramas and movies. Take a look here. I seriously didn't know he was a seiyu either. Guess I learned something new today.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Manga News!

Oh. My. God. Prince of Tennis is back! As in more manga back! Whee~~~~~! I have actualy proof too. In the form of a download. All I have to say is enjoy and click here to download.......That and Sanada looks hot. That's it.