Tuesday, September 30, 2008


My, my, so much has happened. First off, our Civics classes at our school have to do community service projects and our class settled on ours. Raise money for Blood Water (or something like that) and, to get students to participate, the losing principal gets to kiss a cow at third quarter during the homecoming game. And, in order to get a one hundred, I have to get six hours done of planning, poster making, and collecting money......by the tenth. That gives me ten days to do six hours and that's easier said then done. I also have a 3-5 page reasearch paper on something Civics related, due by the 20th. Then I have a practice SAT on Saturdays and then the PSAT on the 15th. I'm going to see the second Death Note Movie on the 15th also. I have no idea if Chris broke up with his girlfriend or not because its confusing me and he backed out of a fight with a short white kid! A SHORT WHITE KID!!!......I'm pretty sure that last comment was racist.......

Anyways, I'm up to my ears in things to do and it doesn't help that I haven't read for Civics yet but at least I know Buffalo lost against Central Michigan on the 27th, 27-25 (Don't ask. My teacher went there and that's one of our bonus questions.). I'm seriously getting ready to explode from all of this dang pressure!

But at least I'm better off then my brother. He has to bring up his 75 in English by report card time and he doesn't have the easiest of eight grade English teachers. He ended up getting the same punishment as me when I nearly failed the sixth grade (No tv, no computer until one pulls their grades up) because I was more focused on watching TV then studying and doing my homework (true story). But, my grades were fine. Ninety-five in Honors Civics and Economics, one-hundred in Advanced Chorus, ninety in Honors Composition and Literature (with a teacher who grades stricktly), and a ninety-four in Biology (which I'm sure is the highest grade in the class). So, I'm all set in doing good in school. I just can't wait until next semester. For one, I have Broadcasting, two, I have the best math teacher in the school, three, I have chorus again and we're going to New York. NEW YORK! This'll be awesome!

A couple more things before I leave this blog post. One, I was flipping through my mom's old senior yearbook and there was a guy in there that looked like Ashton Kutcher (sp?) and my mom ended up dating him. 2. I may get another blogger account. Not for blogging about anime and such but about my life where my friends can read it. So, unfortuantly, no one on fanfiction will be able to read this one. Sorry.

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