Monday, July 21, 2008

Vicious Circles

Posting this nice little doujinshi cover here so I won't lose it and I'll remember to look at the pretty pictures again and again since I can't find a translated version. If you want to look, I know of one person on livejournal that has this doujinshi but you have to friend them to look at their collection of doujin. If anyone wants, I can give them the link to their journal.


Anonymous said...

Whoa, it's pretty, Bane-dane~! XD

I keep on looking for a tagboard and find out you don't have one, Bane-dane-channnn xD

BaneKicksDavid said...

Tagboard? I have no idea what tht is XP

Anonymous said...

Like, like, a cbox, y'know?

BaneKicksDavid said...

I don't think I have one but I'll get one withen the next few days

sddfhjkopwrdjknxciodjfoj said...


BaneKicksDavid said...

I'll PM you the link on fanfiction.