Saturday, July 19, 2008

Stuff, Stuff, and More Stuff

I shall start at the begining of my story since it would make more sense that way. Yesterday, I found subs for two movies. One of them was Sukitomo which I finally managed to finish on Youtube since it loaded faster then Veoh. The person that uploaded Sukitomo also had a J-Drama I've been looking for in the subbed version, Tadashii Ouji no Tsukurikata. I watched the eight episodes she uploaded today, and I was surprised at how short of a time it took me to watch them all. I'm so use to watching J-Drama that take me forty-five minutes for each episode that I forgot how great episodes are when they're less then half an hour.

Ah, but Tadashii Ouji no Tsukurikata is an interesting J-Drama. Personally, I love Aiba's over the top character. Kiriyama also has a funny character since he's very laid back and hyper. It's too bad I can't find the subbed version of episode nine or that they haven't released the last three episodes yet. I really want to see what happens in those last four episodes.

And, on a darker note, I am being forced to go to a picnic for my mom's work later today. We're leaving at six-thirty (my time), getting there at seven, and who knows how long we're staying. All my mom said was that we'd play it by ear to see how long we're staying. Then my brother decided to be a smarta** and asked why we could play it by sight or smell, or tongue or touch? I had to point out it was tast not tongue. I do have an insane side to me but this is just idiotic. Not to meantion he took these pads that fell out of my mom's bathing suit and stuck them to his chest, under his shirt, and it looked like he had bigger boobs.......No wonder my dad wonders how we're related to him (and this is coming from the guys who isn't a perfectionist but wants everything to be perfect).

As for me, I've actually had a relaxing week so far. I watched America's Best Dance Crew thursday night and I was so proud of Super Cr3w (my favorite crew so far). The B-Boys went and did more choreography instead of breaking and they were kept instead of A.S.I.I.D. It was hard to see my second favorite team go but another team like the 80's dancing team or Boogie Bots should have went. They're the weakest teams in my eyes. Ah, I'm rambling about something many people might not know about. Sorry.

But there's a brighter side to my brothers. I video taped my brothers playing Radio Song by Superbus (sp?) so I could upload it to youtube and send it to my friend whose "racist" against French people (except for Eric). Radio Song is a French Song that my brothers like. It's funny actually. My brother, Zach, says he's not racist against any country's music except Japanese. He just won't give it a try. That made me a little pissed off that he wouldn't even try it before he said he hated it but, you snooze you lose. J-Pop's one of the best types of music......That's why I'm not going to let anyone touch my iPod. I don't think they'd like the music under the album PofT (my Japanese music).

But that's about it for now. Here are a couple videos of Super Cr3w so you can understand why they are awesome. (Mom, Ben nailed the Air Flairs! XDDDDD)

The dance I'm so proud of them for

The one where Ben nailed his Air Flares

Their audition for America's Best Dance Crew

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