Thursday, July 31, 2008
*cough* I'm done. Still a bit down but this got my spirits up. Well, that and Twitch is in the finals for So You Think You Can Dance. So, I'm feeling better then I did before and I'm ready to write but I'll be pushed for time tomorrow to finish up Born in Darkness 4 but at least I'm getting to writing.
Not my Week
And, worst of all, all my music is gone. So now I have to head of to eijicute's site and spend some time picking out the song's I had and redownload them. Joy. At least I saved 'Time has Come' by Kirihara to mediafire before this happened. I do not want to spend half an hour searching through tenipuri on LJ to find it.
Agh, I'm going to leave this post as it is. No light moments to it. I need to be writing now.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Missing Favorites
Now that I'm sane(er), still searching around for my missing favorites. What makes it worse is that I can't remember everything that I saved but I managed to find the crucial favorites that I desperatly needed. But now I need to find the Kanesaki icons I probably should have saved to my memories in LJ. But it shouldn't be too hard to find. The two fanart photobucket account aren't that hard to find too. I saved my Tian screen caps. I don't think I need to save my DramaWiki pages of dramas I want to see since those are on my fanfiction account. Then my mind goes blank. I have no idea what else I saved so I'm going to have to look around.
God this is going to be hard.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Dancing Hyoutei
Blame it on the Guys
But, on a Prince of Tennis related note. I found downloads to the Prince of Tennis 100 song marathon but I lost them since I deleted my favorites folder by accident. Now I need to go searching to get my folder back to it's once shining glory. Joy, I'm going to have fun tomorrow.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Time Has Come by Kirihara Akaya Download
Is is me or does Ohtori look slightly hotter?
I've also found Kirihara's new single 'Time Has Come' which you can download here.
I glad my computer decided to not PMS so I could upload this. Stupid thing loses the internet connection and then runs slow sometimes. Nothing happened during the few minutes it took. Thank you, you stupid computer and my stupid internet connection.
Personally, I love it. I think it's great. Thank God for the tenipuri community on LJ. I'm starting to spend a lot of time on that site but I've only posted one journal entry there. It seems as though I have neglected my LJ. Poor me. Oh well.
Random thought, I keep running through the lyrics to 'It's Not My Time' by 3 Door's Down. Weird cause the only word the two song titles share is 'time'Dancing Retards
I know present you, Dancing Retards.
Sharing Time!
My next little share present is a list of over four hundred doujin. Most are Japanese but there are some English and a few Chinese tucked away in the list. Remember the doujin cover I posted a while back? Well, it's on there too for anyone who wants to download it. Here are the links.
Part one is here
Part two is here
And, finally, I managed to sort through my picture file on my computer and used the bulk uploader on photobucket to upload them all. And, out of the pictures of Yagyuu's tenimyu actor, I've finally found a second one I like of him.
That and I found this picture of Yagami Renn I liked.
I'm starting to like him when he isn't dressed up as Yukimura.
Now, the icons.
I didn't understand the first one until I thought back to my 8th grade days when my little friend (so small she jumped when she hiccuped) would slap her face and say 'How rude'. It had me laughing after that. Second one, it's because I have an obsession with Kanesaki. What do you expect from me? The third one had me laughing. I don't know why.
First one. What do you expect? They're glowing I was laughing. I saved. Second, I'm having a Shishido obsession along with my other obsessions right now. I grabbed it. Third one, that's how I feel when school is in session.....Unless it's math. Hate the subject but I'm too good at it.
Kazuki Kato is another one of my obsessions. I want his CD! First one, grabbed it. Second, I laughed. I could so see Atobe singing that. Third one, yes I see something I like.
So true for the first one. Niou is a trick, and a treat. At the same time! I love Ryunosuke/Hiyoshi. Shrooms/Hiyoshi need(s) more love! Last one I picked because I have the screen cap for (somewhere on my photobucket). Renji is feeling the love from Marui and Jackal, isn't he?
I decided to save these on a whim. 1. I have never seen Hiyoshi in that outfit for some tenipuri game so I got that one. 2. I loved Kirihara's picture in this one. 'Heartbreaker' definatly describes him in one of my Prince of Tennis CharacterxOC fics. 3. Why not get another Kirihara one?
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Step Brothers
That. Movie. Was. Hilarious. (But I still wanted to see Wanted. Oh well.) I wouldn't have let my eleven year old brother see that movie but at least he was inbetween my dad and Zach......Wait, that's a bad combination. My dad +Zach = hilarity and also yelling when pissed off. But no worries, they were sane....ish.....Hopefully.
Failing Ideas
What's even worse is that I forgot to watch America's Best Dance Crew thursday night so I didn't get to see who got kicked off. When I asked my brothers who got kicked off they said Supreme Soul. Although it was sad to see another amazing crew get kicked off (GET BOOGIE BOTS OFF!), I was happy to hear they were still in the game. Poor A.S.I.I.D. and Supreme Soul. Getting kicked off while Fanny Pak and Boogie Bots remain. Hopefully either Super Cr3w or So Real Crew will get them kicked off.
Now for something more interesting for the PoT fandom people. I have decided that all of the Prince of Tennis characters are bi. And before you give the screen a 'what the f*ck' look, let me explain. I got the idea from October Ice by Sandileina (big suprise. I'm reading her stories right now). In that story, Sanada's bi and a bunch of stuff happens that I don't want to explain cause most people have read her work. After reading the story, my mind started working. I will use Sanada as an example. Let's say Sanada has been dating this girl months. If he ever gets drunk and, let's say, Atobe kisses him and he kisses back. It'll be okay if he wakes up in Atobe's bed the next morning with a hang over because he's bi!......But then his girlfriend will dump him because she thnks he's gay but that's just fine! Many people in this fandom hate het/OC pairings anyway (unless their written well and aren't sues)......Now that I'm typing this out this whole idea seems retarded. Oh well.
This has been a psycho idea by Bane.
Friday, July 25, 2008
"Friendly Get Togethor"
Now I have to talk about the cook out. Rachael's dad made burgers and hotdogs for everyone that we were supposed to bring. Yoder was supposed to bring a package but ate half of them for lunch the other day so he brought five. Somewhere along the line, something was miscommunicated and EVERYONE brought hotdog buns. So Rachael's mom had to run out to buy hamburger buns. Except for the mass of flies that swarmed around us, the food was great.
After I experianced this (and deciding we would play water balloon baseball before school gets back in August 25), I have learned something. Never give Yoder a bucket. Never. Ever. Never, ever give him a bucket unless you want to get wet.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
My memory fails me
Just Cause
My brothers
Tis our class pet. Alyssa and Brittney too.
This is basically a collage of myself, Rachael, Cori, Ryn, Casey, Yoder, Jordan, and Eric. If you must know I'm the one in the green hoodie.
There was a pole in a church. Guess what came to mind? HANNAH!
Two guys. Same pants. Perverted much? My friend, Carson, is on the right.
This is Ted (Aka My 13 year old brother with his haired stragihtened). My dad says he looks like a young John Bonjovi or something like that.
Had to be there moment. The two of them are leaning on my dad to get on his nerves. Let's just say it worked.
I couldn't fins the picture of myself I really liked so you'll have to enjoy the ones I have. Thanks for taking a look!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Gokusen Season 1 Finished!....Almost
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
New Story
I'm so overreacting.
But if anyone wants to give it a try, click here. I'm not responible for any lose of eye sight for reading my first attempt at angst.
Ah, but I found a really good spot on livejournal for doujin. There's a bunch and they even tell you which ones are English. Woo!.....Too bad there's a bunch of Seigaku pairings. I'll have to go back tomorrow and read the Emerald Pair ones since I'm starting to like Emerald Pair. Especially since I saw a picture of Inui without his glasses from one of the Prince of Tennis fanbooks and he looks fine! I normally don't like Inui but I'm starting to.....fall for him. I hope he doesn't interrupt my love for Sanada.......I'm also starting to fall for Atobe and it wasn't because I saw a really hot picture of him shirtless *blushes at the memory* SANADA I WILL LOVE YOU AND KANESAKI FOREVER!
On a funnier note, there's thunder and lightning going on outside and, when a large bolt of thunder shook the ground, my youngest brother, who's eleven, screamed like a little girl. But we knew he was joking. But what suck is that my thirteen year old brother kept calling me a cave women. I hate that guy. They're an avil duo but they have their sweet moments.
Well, that's it for now. Bye-bye!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Vicious Circles
Posting this nice little doujinshi cover here so I won't lose it and I'll remember to look at the pretty pictures again and again since I can't find a translated version. If you want to look, I know of one person on livejournal that has this doujinshi but you have to friend them to look at their collection of doujin. If anyone wants, I can give them the link to their journal.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Stuff, Stuff, and More Stuff
Ah, but Tadashii Ouji no Tsukurikata is an interesting J-Drama. Personally, I love Aiba's over the top character. Kiriyama also has a funny character since he's very laid back and hyper. It's too bad I can't find the subbed version of episode nine or that they haven't released the last three episodes yet. I really want to see what happens in those last four episodes.
And, on a darker note, I am being forced to go to a picnic for my mom's work later today. We're leaving at six-thirty (my time), getting there at seven, and who knows how long we're staying. All my mom said was that we'd play it by ear to see how long we're staying. Then my brother decided to be a smarta** and asked why we could play it by sight or smell, or tongue or touch? I had to point out it was tast not tongue. I do have an insane side to me but this is just idiotic. Not to meantion he took these pads that fell out of my mom's bathing suit and stuck them to his chest, under his shirt, and it looked like he had bigger boobs.......No wonder my dad wonders how we're related to him (and this is coming from the guys who isn't a perfectionist but wants everything to be perfect).
As for me, I've actually had a relaxing week so far. I watched America's Best Dance Crew thursday night and I was so proud of Super Cr3w (my favorite crew so far). The B-Boys went and did more choreography instead of breaking and they were kept instead of A.S.I.I.D. It was hard to see my second favorite team go but another team like the 80's dancing team or Boogie Bots should have went. They're the weakest teams in my eyes. Ah, I'm rambling about something many people might not know about. Sorry.
But there's a brighter side to my brothers. I video taped my brothers playing Radio Song by Superbus (sp?) so I could upload it to youtube and send it to my friend whose "racist" against French people (except for Eric). Radio Song is a French Song that my brothers like. It's funny actually. My brother, Zach, says he's not racist against any country's music except Japanese. He just won't give it a try. That made me a little pissed off that he wouldn't even try it before he said he hated it but, you snooze you lose. J-Pop's one of the best types of music......That's why I'm not going to let anyone touch my iPod. I don't think they'd like the music under the album PofT (my Japanese music).
But that's about it for now. Here are a couple videos of Super Cr3w so you can understand why they are awesome. (Mom, Ben nailed the Air Flairs! XDDDDD)
The dance I'm so proud of them for
The one where Ben nailed his Air Flares
Their audition for America's Best Dance Crew
Friday, July 18, 2008
Itsuka no Kimi e
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Internet Access
Zettai Kareshi
But, other then that, I was happy with the ending. I liked this take on it better then the manga. For me, the manga just seemed way too drawn out. But the drama was perfect. They selected the right number of episodes for this drama. Now it makes me want to watch Hana Kimi again because it's rekindled my love for Mizushima. Plus I love hearing that tiny bit of Ikenna Taiyo in the beginning. Besides, Toma's such a dork in it. Dancing with girl's underwear on. Maki's a good actress too. I liked her in Kurosagi.
Now I'm off to start all the first season of Gokusen......What am I getting myself into?
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Short Cut Winner
Yes I'm evil but I get into these shows when I'm watching them. If anyone reads this and reads Born in Darkness, be glad I'm writing while watching this. It's way easier then writing in silence and I get a lot typed out. Expect an update tomorrow (hopefully). If I don't get it out during the day, I'll have to write during the So You Think You Can Dance results show. It's another show I can write to (that and American Idol but that show isn't on untill next year). Well, I'm off to write. I want to get past Fudomine and to Yamabuki before I go to bed which is in thirty minutes. I have a lot to work on. Oo~ Show's back on.
Edit: Yes! I finished everything I wanted with a little more. Yes! Now off to bed!
The Winds of Change
But that's not all that's started going on in my life. I haven't watch Zettai Kareshi since Sunday and I really, really, really want to watch episode eight but my interent connection isn't too great at my mom's house. It's not her fault since she doesn't have her own wireless connection. At least I can get a connection at her house. If I didn't, I'd have to use the family computer which would mean even more fighting between me and my brothers.
But good news! I found some English subs for some Rikkaidai songs in Higa Myu so I am quite happy with that. I'll post those later today if some people want to listen to them.
On a worse note, I have a ton of ideas for Born from Darkness but they don't want to be written. I want to get the next chapter out at the one week mark but I don't know if I'm going to make it. Hopefully I can get some writing done tonight when I'm watching Project Runway and Shear Genius. It's a good thing I write at my best when the t.v.'s going. Hopefully I can get Atobe and Jirou's conversation written out. It's not like its not interesting. I mean, who doesn't want to talk about mythical creatures and such. Plus I still want to write the Determination fic I've been planning out. Especially since it's cute and fluffy and adorable and something I've probably never written before. Man it's hard been an active fanfiction writer.
I also want to rewrite the last chapter of Dreams. After rereading it, I think it's crap and I hate the ending. After some heavy thinking before going to bed, I came up with a better ending that gives the story a hint of a sequel that I want to do. Not to meantion I want to upload my OC fic to fanfiction so, after taking Tally's advice, I have to edit them before uploading them. There's some obvious mistakes in them that I need to run through and tweek. Not to meantion there's some more details I need to add to one so the ending pairing isn't so confusing.
So, I have a lot of crap going n that I need to fix. Things to write. Things that I need to understand that's changing withen my mind. But no worries! I'm still the anime addict I was back in seventh grade. I just need to understand myself more.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Surfing Livejournal
Okay, so I went surfing around livejournal yesterday for some Tango stories, since they're my second favorite pairing and almost my first. Right when I began my search I stumbled across a community with icons galore. If you want to check it out it's a place called pot_graphics on livejournal. I'm not that big on searching at livejournal so it was a surprise to find a great place with so many icons. In all, I probably only grabbed about fifteen icons but I didn't go through all of the icons they posted.
I also picked up to of those love bars. One for Hiyoshi and the other for Sanada. I saved the Hiyoshi one cause I know Jazzy would want it and Sanada......He's my favorite character. Enough said. So, I decided to show some of the awesome icons I found and the Hiyoshi love bar is first.
He does have fierce eyes
Since when was Sanada caring?
I love Shishido when he had long hair and this icon let me have a nice pic of his long haired glory. The first Sanada icon was my favorite of any I had seen and I liked the words on the second Sanada on. I like Ryoga better then Ryoma so I picked up an icon of him and this Niou icon called out to me.
No comments on an of these. I didn't have any icons of Kirihara, Kaidoh, or the Bronze Pair so I picked those up. I love Sanada so, why not pick up his too?
You've been pun'd! Reminds me of you’ve been punk’d. I thought the Fuji one was cool with only the tie and his eyes in color. No comment on Gakuto and the Atobe icon fit what he's all about. Gekokujyou daze hmm hmm HMM! My favorite part in Dream Live 3rd.
That's all. If you take an icon, don't credit me. I didn't make these. I just found them.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
I Act Like I'm....
You Act Like You Are 19 Years Old |
You are a teenager at heart. You don't quite feel like a grown up yet, but you don't feel like a kid. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world. You're quite rebellious, and you don't like being told what to do. You like to do things your way. You have your own unique style, taste in music, and outlook on life. |
Oh, now I remember what I was going to say. I'm going to write another Determined Pair fic because I came up with a better idea then the first one. This one is based on a real event that happened to me. Not going to say a lot about it because it'll ruin the ending but it's about Hiyoshi needing a shot and Sanada goes with him. Ah, the joy of having someone with you to take a shot! I'm sure Jazzy will be interested in reading it. We need more Determined Pair fans. Before I turn into a full time Tango Pair fanatic.
But my Sunday was possibly the best Sunday I've had so far. I went searching for pictures on photobucket and came across an account that had a ton of fanart someone had collected (Note to self: Give link to Jazzy because of the Hiyoshi fanart). Here's a couple I liked.
I liked that last one cause Sanada's over Renji's shoulder and, overall, I find it hilarious. Hey, get your hand away from Sanada's butt! The second one, who can resist the fuzzball that is Kirihara as a kitten? The first one, Sanada just looks hot. That's it.
That's all for now. I'm off to write and find those links again.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Got this from Jazzy/Rage-chan
Let's start off with your name.
Are you in a relationship?
What are you listening to?
Deep by Atobe Kegio
Do you think too much or too little?
Both. It can be troublesome
Do you smile a lot?
I laugh a lot.
Where have you lived for most of your life?
I've always lived in the U.S.
What was the last compliment you received, and when?
Earlier this week. My dad's friend praised me on some of my drawings.
Do you prefer to call or text?
Call. Texting is too hard.
Do you have any siblings?
Yeah, two stupid brothers
Do you have kids?
How many people do you trust 100%?
Most of my close friends. I don't normally trust people outside of our group.
Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
A store. I can't remember the name though.
Do you go to church?
As much as I'd like to say yes, I'm going to say no. My family is on the 'one time a year plan'
What are you doing tonight?
Eating, computer, some more writing. Same as usual.
What's the last movie you saw in the theater and with whom?
Hancock with my mom, brothers, and a family friend we always go to the movies with
Can you live without the computer?
It is proven that I can, I just choose not to
Do you wish at 11:11?
Some times. Though my wish is always the same
Ever get so drunk you couldn't remember the entire night?
I've never had any drugs so I wouldn't know
Favourite flower?
I guess a rose
Are you hiding something from someone?
Yeah. I hide the fact I'm an anime/manga lover to most of my friends.
What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?
Crap, what time is it?........I have to go XDDDDD
Do you believe there's always room in your heart for your first love?
Not really.
Have you memorized your social security number?
Only the first three numbers
Who was the last person to make you cry?
Myself. I always cry when I laugh
Do you trust people easily?
I have to get to know someone first
Do you think you'll be married in 10 years?
Do you plan on moving out within the next year?
Nope. I'm still in high school
What happened at 10:00 AM today?
I think I was watching Zettai Kareshi 5
What are you listening to now, if the song has changed?
Totsugenki! Gekkan Pro Tennis by Sanada Genichirou
Did you know that Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey got married?
I thought they were in the process of gettin married
Do you laugh at all the wrong times?
What are your plans for today?
The same thing I'm going to do tonight. It's already six here.
Who was your last inbox message from?
It was a review for Dreams
Who do you like?
Not telling
Do you still talk to the person who hurt you the most?
Yes. It was all a big misunderstanding and we worked it out.
This is all that was there so I did it.
Grow up, move on, or write songs about them?
Move on
When was the last time you saw the last person you kissed?
Anything funny happen this week?
Funny things always happen at my house.
Has anyone ever told you that they want to spend the rest of their life with you?
Not yet
How many times a day do you pee?
No idea
Whats/Whos bothering you right now?
Do you delete people off of FS?
FS? Not sure what that is.....
Do you believe that you can change for someone?
Sometimes I do
Do you get along with girls?
Yeah but not the ones that are preppy and have obviously slept with a guy more times then the number of fingers they have.
Do you like surprises?
Depends on what the surprise is
Do you think people have misconceptions about you?
Sometimes, I guess
What'd you do last night?
I dreamt about stuff
What's on your mind right now?
I have to finish Jazzy's one-shot and write a little more of Born in Darkness before I go to bed.
Someone remind me....
Friday, July 11, 2008
Again, from Jazzy's blog
Here's Bane
What Bane Means |
B is for Bashful A is for Alluring N is for Normal E is for Enchanting |
What Katarina Means |
K is for Kind A is for Alluring T is for Temperamental A is for Astounding R is for Radiant I is for Insane N is for Naughty A is for Arty |
And three months later....
For three months I worked and I worked and I worked. I did everything my mom asked me and I completed every task she threw my way. And boy did it all pay off.
Since my first one got its screen cracked (*cough*PMS B*tch broke it*cough*) my mom made a deal for me to work my way through three months of pure torture and I could get one. Only problem is, my brother screwed up his computer (old family computer) that had all of my music on it and now I have to upload all my music to the new family computer. Joy, there goes my Saturday. And I could be watching Zettai Kareshi and starting up another J-Drama since I found a great site with a bunch of J-Drama on there. Stupid brother screwing up his computer.
Oh, and if you're reading this Jazzy, I'm going to work on that Determined Pair one-shot tomorrow. I still have to write some more for Dreams and Born from Darkness. But no worries. I have an idea! Now, off to write.........and try not to watch episode 5 of Zettai Kareshi instead.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
New Hyoutei Cast?
Oh yeah, new Hyoutei myu is called The Imperial Presence Hyoutei ft. Higa
Hyoutei A (sub-original)
Atobe Keigo: Okayama Souru
Oshitari Yuushi: Akiyama Shintarou
Mukahi Gakuto: Aoyagi Ruito
Shishido Ryou: Kamakari Kenta
Ohtori Choutarou: Seto Yusuke
Akutagawa Jirou: Takuya
Kabaji Munehiro: Washimi Ryou
Hiyoshi Wakashi: Kawai Ryunosuke
Hyoutei B (new)
Atobe Keigo: same as A
Oshitari Yuushi: same as A
Mukahi Gakuto: Fukuyama Seiji
Shishido Ryou: Murai Ryouta
Ohtori Choutarou: Li Yong En (Taiwanese)
Akutagawa Jirou: Naitou Taiki
Kabaji Munehiro: Kawada Jouji
Hiyoshi Wakashi: Hosogai Kei
New Ohtori
Pairings I Like
Determined Pair (SanadaxHiyoshi)
Tango Pair (AtobexSanada)
Troika (YukimuraxSanadaxYanagi)
Jumpy Pair (GakutoxHiyoshi)
Silver Trio (ShishidoxHiyoshixOhtori)
Silver Pair (ShishidoxOhtori)
Drama Pair (AtobexShishido)
Dirty Pair (OshitarixGakuto)
Sweet Pair (MaruixJirou)
Platinum Pair (NiouxYagyuu)
Solitare Pair (NiouxShishido)
TrickPair (NiouxKirihara)
Bronze Pair (BanexDavid)
That's all for now
Ugh, I can't believe it....
But then I found a Drama Pair (I like that pairing) fic I wanted to read. It sounded really interesting but the user had locked their journal. Which now has me thinking that I might post a journal entry on what pairing I'll read.
But, first, I want to learn how to make one of those clickable links. Like where you see something and it says 'Click here' and the 'here' is a link to another page. How do you do that *is totally amazed by the clickable link thing*
Ah, but anyone who hasn't watch Zettai Kareshi should watch it. Night-kun is so adorable it makes you just want to go up and hug him *has only seen 3 episodes of the drama* But that guy that plays Nanba (Mizushima Hiro?) plays Soshi and it reminded me of why I love him *huggles Mizushima-kun* He is so cute! His picture on Drama Wiki does not do him justice! But then again.....he is 24 years old and I'm merely a 15 year old American girl who's can barely speak any Japanese (Wish I could. It would make watching Higamyu easier). Besides, I love Kanesaki. Sorry Mizushima-kun, my heart belongs to the dorky Kane-kun.
That's all for now. I'm off to post another entry on what PoT pairing I like.......I have afeeling it might be a long list.
Monday, July 7, 2008
The Adventures of Eric and Yoder
Once upon a time, in a land not so far away, there was a school called "J.N.F.". This school was a special school for a group of friends. In three years the school had made them the closest of friends. But, high school loomed over them and the friends were split up into three schools, Central, J.M.R., and H.R..
Most of the group was split up between J.M. and H.R. but one went to Central and another attended a private school. Although they were split, they still tried to maintain the close bond they had once held dear. They hung out at the mall, went to see movies, hung out to the park or went out to eat with each other. They did anything to hold onto their bond.
As the end of their first year ended, two members of the group decided to visit H.R.. This, is where our story begins.
"I don't think this was a good idea."
"Well, I think it's a brilliant idea."
"Yoder, you're not the one stuck in the window!"
"Good thing I'm not."
"Why? Tell me why?"
"Well, one reason is I'm too big to fit."
"More like fat."
"And two, it's funny to see you PMS up there."
"I don't have PMS!!!!"
Although this conversation may seem like two idiots arguing-…..Actually it is two idiots arguing. But, that's beside the point. Eric and Yoder were sneaking into H.R. on the second to last day of exams. Eric wanted to go through the front door but, Yoder wanted to go the dangerous and fully idiotic way. Through a bathroom window. As Eric had stated before, he was stuck in the window because he was the smallest of the pair. Eric, being the smart person he is, decided to go legs first and was now stuck at his stomach (it was a small window).
"I swear, you guys keep on getting more and more idiotic every time I see you."
Looking at the next window over, which was larger, they noticed fellow friend, Kat, leaning out of it.
"What're you doing here? Shouldn't you be taking an exam," Yoder asked pointing an accusing finger at the girl.
"It's called an exam exception," Kat rolled her eyes," Then again only smart people know about them."
"Hey! I take that offensively!" Yoder shouted.
"Do you even know what 'offensively' means?" Eric asked. Yoder remained silent proving Eric right.
"By the way, why are you guys here?"
"Visiting you, Cori, Casey, Rachael, Hannah, and Alyssa," Yoder named off the names of people.
"And to meet these people called Grant, Carson, and Tony," Eric explained further.
"Shouldn't have you guys used the front door? You could have got a visitor's pass or something like that?"
After getting Eric unstuck, the boys had enjoyed a half an hour in the gym with Cori, Kat, and another boy named David. Eric also decided to kill Yoder later since he had an enjoyable time. They had also annoyed a girl named Mary to tears during their time in the gym. Then came their first lunch with Kat and Cori, they had set Sheri's pants on fire (Yoder swore it was a trick of the light), made loads of noise to attract the attention of the administration and then blamed it upon Carys…Cars…..whatever. Not to mention they had also snuck off with enough bag lunches to feed everyone at their table.
Needless to say, it was an enjoyable lunch period with many laughs until the cafeteria staff noticed they were missing several lunches and found it to be Yoder and Eric on the security tapes. The two boys were chased off the premises and they kept running until they reached Eric's house a many miles away.
"I, will never do that again," Eric gasped between breathes.
"Save that statement for next year," Yoder said after he had regained his breath," Tomorrow we're doing Danny's school."
"Never mind killing you later, I think I'll kill you now!"
My inner blood type?
Your Inner Blood Type is Type B |
You follow your own rules in life, even if you change the rules every day. Sure, you tend to be off the wall and unpredictable, but that's what makes you lovable. And even though you're a wild child, you have the tools to be a great success. You are able to concentrate intently - and make the impossible possible. You are most compatible with: B and AB Famous Type B's: Leonardo Di Caprio and |