Sunday, March 1, 2009

Bluest Sky

I'm back~! (in the blogging sense). I have so much to say, but I don't know how tosay it. Here's the cliff notes version.

I went to a lock in last week, fell for a guy, went to my friend's church today, stomach flu going around my town, I'm not sick (thank God), new song out by Niou (download here) called Bluest Sky, my friend's boyfriend broke up with her, cat fight with a freshman, NO ONE CONTROLS BANE!, not talking to my friend because he's being a butt, did I meantion I went to church?, and I'm starting to text more.

How's that for a recap? Just so you guys know, this is what my crush looks like. He's the blond one. His name is John but everyone calls him Oh Baby. The other guy is Steven, but we call him Stalker (he stalked my friend in the eighth grade). Both are extremely sweet, but not the brightest people in the world.

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