Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Bomb Threats and Love

My school had a bomb threat today. Interesting, no? We were pulled out of second period (roughly 9:10-9:20 AM). The 10th-12th graders were placed in the gym and the freshies were place in the Auxilary gym. The whole reason behind this was because someone wrote something about a bomb and today's date on a stall in the boy's bathroom. Thus, our second period time was wasted, but I don't have a problem with this. We were taking a test in second period on Night. If you haven't read this book, I would suggest you do. It's amazing, and the style is good. After the bomb threat, we had several discussions about it in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th.

But, today wasn't all bad despite the threat. My good friend said she would talk to the guy I like and find out if he likes me back. I actually like this a guy a lot. In fact I've liked him since the All County Chorus concert which was back on October 21st so that's fifty-seven days including today. Roughly eight weeks and a day so, two months? I'm sure this is the longest time I've liked someone. He's a really sweet guy,one year younger than me, and the only time I see him is after second period and during lunch. I feel guilty now because I thought he was weird, at first, when we were at out first chorus rehersal. He was holding tightly to his jacket and wouldn't place it on the risers. Now that I think about it, he was standing next to me at the concert.

Even if I've known him for such a long time, I've only had one conversation with him and that happened today and it was about The Dark Knight. But I do know he's a sweet guy, and he can't teach math to other people. He also trusts me more than his friends (They pushed his bookbag off of his lunch seat. They told him it fell and I told him the truth.), but I don't think he'll ask me out. I'm not really "pretty" and I doubt he'll say he likes me.

There's also another problem. His sister, whom I have come to know through chorus, hates me. I fear that she'll say rude things about me to him, but, as my friend says, I wouldn't be dating her, I'd be dating him.......Hopefully I can date him.

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