Thursday, November 13, 2008


As some may know, I know awin does, I have recently gotten into Katekyo Hitman Reborn. Honestly, I didn't think too much of it when the preview came out in Shonen Jump magazine some odd years ago but now, I love it! My top three characters would be.

1.Hibari Kyouya
2. Yamamoto Takeshi
3. Gokudera Hayato

Hibari really is my number 1 in that manga (he's my wallpaper for crying out loud!) But if there was a number four it would be Dino. I like how the manga's creator didn't go and make Dino a perfect mafia boss at a young age. Instead, Dino can only function when his men are around. Cool, no?

One thing I seriously want to know from this manga is how the Arcobaleno became babies. Something about a curse?? YAMAMOTO DO TELL!!!!!!!!!!.....But it is sort of sad. I was in Biology the other day and one of our vocabulary terms was archaebacteria and I thought it said arcobaleno (rainbow in Italian).

Now, for some icons I've found.
Anyone besides me think that he (Mukuro) looks like Yukimura? No one?
My icon on fanfiction now. Lambo's adorable. Ten years later Lambo is hot. Twenty years later Lambo is even hotter.......Can we just substitute Twenty years later Lambo in for the child one?
For those who can't read it, the icon says 'Hibari Kyouya is the only man to ever defeat a brick wall in a game of tennis.'......I have no other comment but that's probably true. Even Ryoma can't defeat a brick wall.
'Guns don't kill people. Hibari Kyouya kills people.'......Very violent that Hibari Kyouya.
Probably the best scene from KHR EVER! (Besides when we meet TYL!Hibari). Gokudera tries to teach Tsuna how to swim using math.
DINO~!!!.....No further comment.
Tsuna, if you had just drank your milk you'd be as tall as Yuuta Fuuta
YAMAMOTO! He's so dense XD
Not really caring about the blue headed guy. Let's focus on the other guy, Hibari (four~![From the Hana Kimi J-drama? Remember?.....])
Ten years later Hibari and the hottness that is him.
Both normal Hibari and older Hibari with Hibird.

After seeing this post, I hope some other people will try out the KHR fandom. I like it but I'll still be staying with the Prince of Tennis for a while.

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