Saturday, October 18, 2008

Interesting Week

My, my, so much has gone on this week. I might as well start with Monday and Tuesday and work my way from there.

Okay, on Monday I had a chorus concert and t went better then expected. The little freshies (freshman) actually did fairly well but a girl from my class was singing like a fonghorn in my ear. I wanted to put my hand to my ear to singnal she was too loud but this is where my self restraint comes it. It would have been rude to do that in that in the middle of a concert and Mrs. Campbell would kill me latter. Tuesday, was interesting. I went to a local high school (two stories high and is over thirty years old) for a zone rehearsal for All County Chorus. Ends up a girl from my classes, Christine, is in All County so I'm going to see a lot of her Monday, more on that later.

Wednesday was SUPPOSED to be the day I went and saw the second Death Note movie but they changed the ratings at the last second and made it rated R. I could have seen it if anyone but this freakin old lady was working the booth where we picked up our tickets. Are they even allowed to change ratings at the last second? This sucks. But, something good came out of it. I got a frozen drink, Prince of Tennis 27 (with the money that was supposed to be for snacks), and Death Note: The Los Angeles BB Murderfiles (with the money that was for the tickets). I also took the PSAT on Wednesday and I'll have my score in December. I hope I did good.

Thursday and Friday were catch-up days seeing as though I missed two classes to take the PSAT on Wednesday. The catch-up work wasn't that hard. I also took a 75 question Civics test and (hopefully) recieved ten extra bonus points for asking questions when local Democrats came to speak to us. Mr LaChance, I asked two questions! TWO! Give me my bonus points!............Poor Christine, the Democrats started to avoic her hand because she 1. Talks a lot when she makes a point or 2. Asked a Republican-like question. I'm not hating Christine because she makes a lot of valid points. I could seriously see her becoming a lawyer or a Congresswoman.

Okay, now onto next week. My stupid Civics research paper is due on Monday but I'm not going to be there all day so mine is due on Tuesday. Monday, I'll be going to another high school to rehearse all day for the All County Chorus Concert on Tuesday. This ought to be interesting. I'm going to have to go over my German, Dona Nobis, and another song where we had to count sing. How do you count sing?! I don't get it! Lord help me.

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