Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tenimyu! Photosets! Dream Live 5th!

Minna~! I come bringing great news for those who still watch Tenimyu and collect the photoset pictures! But first, I shall list off the 15 things Dream Live 5th has taught me.

1. Some of the Seigaku cast members don't have very good voices like the past casts.
2. Yukimura doesn't faint anymore and can yell!
3. Kane-chan has a cute runway walk
4. FuRinKaZan has some of the dorkiest dancing. EVER!
5. Vikings are now pirates and petenshis are pimps (seriously)
6. Tezuka can fly!
7. Kai can fly!
8. Tanishi is scared of heights.
9. Several Higa Chu members look fine as pirates.
10. Kane-chan has gotten better at singing~
11. Platinum Pair is now canon in the Myus. Attempted kiss~!
12. Kiriyama makes a good Marui and Jackal.
14. Tomo. Is. Adorable. DON'T GRADUATE TOMO! You're better looking then the other guy whose name I don't know!

Now for the info I was originally going to type but got caught up in making a list (I had to stop myself at 15. Seriously.)


There are two different Seigaku casts (the ones from Dream Live 5th and a new one), two different Hyoutei casts (Cast A has Ruito, Kenken, Takuya, Washima, and Ryunosuke. Not Kazuki T_T), Higa Chu, and......is that Aiba I spy? YES IT IS! Aiba is back as a special guest for this musical! (he is casted as Fuji!) Yay! Aiba-chan is back *does a little dance*.....O_O I love his clothes in image three and image four......Don't even get me started on that.

Now, since Kazuki was an amazing Atobe, despite my hatred for him, I'm going to talk about the two new Atobes. The first one, Kubota Yuki, looks better as Atobe and he doesn't look too bad as himself Kazuki looks better though). The second one, Inoue Masahiro, has a boyish face, really big lips, and a long face and doesn't look right as Atobe. He looks better when he smiles though.

I'll talk about the Gakutos next before I tell you where to find these. First off, you know Aoyagi Ruito took the role of Gakuto for Cast A. I've never really cared for Ruito but, after looking at the last two pictures, I find him adorable and I like him as a brunette. Next I looked at Cast B's Gakuto, Fukuyama Seiji. And, I'm sorry to this but IthinkhelooksbetterasGakuto. It's true. If you compare his Gakuto pics to Ruito's he, overall, looks better as him. Plus, he looks cute too.

Now, I know this has been killing you but here's where you go to get these wonderful pictures. First off, you're going to need an LJ because these posts are friend-locked on a community. After you log onto your LJ, go to the community tenimyunorondo and join the community then go to the posts. The title of the entry is 'The Imperial Presence Hyoutei photosets (all)'. Once you go into that posts, enjoy the pictures! There are forty different actors so that means........160 pictures!......If my math is correct. I'm going to need to create a whole new folder in my photobucket account if I'm going to keep all of these.

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