Monday, August 4, 2008

Breaking Dawn-So Far

I haven't spent a lot of time reading Breaking Dawn but I just finished the first book (yes, it's split up into three books. I looked). The first book is about them ******************************* (edited for spoilers). And my poor Jake! Getting carried off by Sam because he's pissed at Bella because she wants to be a vampire. JUST KILL HER! I've also read some reviews for the book and other people aren't too pleased with this either. The series ended with Eclipse for most people. And, so far, the same is happening with me. It's like Stephanie Meyer didn't even write the book. I'll write another blog entry when I'm finished with the second book (Jake's POV! Yay!) which is another 215 pages away.

Since I've been terribly obsessed with Kamen Rider Kabuto lately, I haven't been watching Gokusen 2. Kato Kazuki's character is too hilarious and I just found out Kayashima's actor from Hana Kimi is in the series so, I must get to epiosde 19! Pronto! I hope my new obsession doesn't hold me back from my writing. I still haven't started Born from Darkness 5 (*cough*Procrastination*cough).

I've also sortofkinda started my Christmas List in my head. Usually I don't know what I want and spend about the whole month of November writing my list so maybe I should start early this year. I already have five things in my head that I want. I hope I get them.

And from now on, for my memory purposes, I'll be counting down the days until I start tenth grade. Wah~ I don't want to go back to school! Summer passed by too quickly~!

Days until School Starts: 21

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