Friday, February 27, 2009


Just stopped by to say I think I'm writing a sequel. I just had the ideal while reading Dead Girl's Dance (or something like that). I didn't get the idea from the book it just sort of......appeared. So, I think I'm going to do it. I just need to be sure I have Yuuta's characterization right. Other than that, I'm good to go. I will give a hint for the story though. Its a sequel to one of my fantasy stories.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Desk Top

I think I have finally found the perfect desk top background. I'm pretty sure I found it at arashi_on on livejournal but I could be wrong. Anyways, it has all of the Arashi members in it while up at the top right hand corner it says 'Arashi keep it natural'. Very, very cool. I especially love Sho's clothes in this one. Very (x100) awesome.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Arashi member I'm most like is...

You Scored as Sakurai Sho

You're most compatible with Sho! You have a good head on your shoulders and have a broad outlook on life. Sho seems to prefer someone who is able to perceive the world and take it in stride - with him, you get a traveling companion. Results based on a 2006 translated interview about ideal marriages - therefore, you may want to take everything with a grain of salt. ;)

Ohno Satoshi


Sakurai Sho


Matsumoto Jun


Ninomiya Kazunari


Aiba Masaki


Lock in time!

Right now, I'm operating on about five and a half hours of sleep. Not because I stayed up late and then went to be. No, I went to my friend's lock in at her church. RE-CAP TIME!

Okay, so I got to her church at about six and, after almost everyone arrived (three people were coming later), we left to play lazer tag. I was in second place until my gun broke and I had to get one of the worker to fix it because "I broke it". No I didn't. It broke itself! Anyways, by the time I got back into the game, I was in 12th. For the remainder of the game, I worked my way up into seventh place. Adam, a short kid, ended up winning and was two points away from being in the top five scores of the day.

Now, on the car rides to and from the lazer tag place, I rode with Stalker (Aka Steven), Oh Baby (Aka Jon), Rachael, and Drew. Oh Baby drove us and HE IS A MAD MAN WHEN HE DRIVES! He was on Billy's, the youth pastor, bumper the entire time. We almost got into a wreck because of that. On the way to and from, we were blaring music and rocking out to Linkin Park, other rock groups, and we even listened to the Date Rape song.

When we got back, Eric, Jeremy (Eric's friend), and Matt (Rachael's boyfriend) were there. Matt had to run home quickily to get his paper work because we couldn't attend the lock in without permission and insurance forms. We listened to the story of Jobe from the Bible and then we ate.

Some time after we ate, and before midnight, Oh Baby and Stalker let me in on their prank. They wanted to duck tape the first person the fall asleep in Stalker's sleeping bag. At this point, they let Lauren's mom, Rachael's aunt, in on the plan because we had to discuss it upstairs and we needed a chaperone if guys and girls went upstairs. We decided that we wouldn't prank any of the four in on it or Drew because the kid is hyper active. Lauren, Rachael's cousin, tried to listen in on our conversation but we switched to making fun of how she kept trying to make her brests look bigger by pushing them togethor.

After that, we were split into three groups: the parents, the kids playing video games, and the high school kids who were just talking. Somehow, Billy got a baseball bat and decided to play "someone spin their head on the bat ten times and then try to touch my hand". I was the only girl that did it but, after only nine spins, I stopped and fell to the ground. Oh Baby and Billy helped me up because I was laughing to hard. Oh Baby, Stalker, and Eric also tried. Oh Baby's was definately the funniest.

Another event that happened was the silly string fight......Which we did indoors. We had to clean up straight away and it was a pain to get the string up from the tiled floors after people had stepped on it.

Around three, we finally set the plan Stalker and Oh Baby made into motion. Everyone, evxept the few that were asleep, decided to prank Billy. Since telling me the original idea, Oh Baby added a few things to it. Most of the group went out and serand wrapped his car while Adam and I player fooze ball. After that, we finished cutting the duct tape into long strands to trap Billy in his sleeping bag. We waited a long time but, finally, we put the tape on him at five-thirty. It wasn't that good of a prank because Billy was actually awake, but at least we got to tape him in.

After that, we sat around until six-thirty and then started cleaning up. At seven, we all left to go to our own homes. I ended up staying up until eleven thirty until I finally got to a bed and slept for five and a half hours.

I realized something during this lock in. I think I might like Oh Baby. He's a really nice guy, not the smartest person I've met, but he's really nice.......I think I spent half the night flirting with him. I'm not sure. But I do know one thing. I did accomplish my goal of hanging out with Rachael. Since I only see her during fourth period, I don't get to talk to her all too much furing school days. So, I managed to hang with her and some of my other friends while I was there. Mission accomplished!

Friday, February 20, 2009


I'm such a nerd! XD I went in my school's library to get a book (Incantation) for book club and I came out with a book and a pass to go in during lunch whenever I wanted.........Which, now that I think about it, will be useful to get away from that annoying girl at lunch so I can read in peace. Can't she get the hint I don't like her?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

American Idol

Idol. On now. Watching. DANNY! He's last. Can't wait to hear him sing. He's the best out of the group. Down with Tatiana! She's annoying. Die!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Another Drama?

I really should stop, but I can't. I've started ANOTHER J-drama. This one is titled Mendol Ikemen-Idol. The episodes are short (only half an hour) which makes this an easy drama to just sit down and watch. I would get farther in the series then I already am, but I have school tomorrow. Stupid snow day took away our no school day for tomorrow. It majorly sucks. It doesn't help that I still have an ever growing list of drama I want to watch too.

.....CRAP! I still haven't seen last week's episode of Kamen Rider Decade! Punch and Kick Hopper were at the end of episode two! So cool~!.......Kazuki's character is cooler though. Where is my Kazuki?!

I'll leave this post before I get more insane.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happ Valentine's Day!

Happy early Valentine's day to everyone! I wish I had a gift to share but I don't have anything XD Niou's single is coming out soon. Perhaps I should find that as a late Valentine's day gift.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

One Drop

KAT-TUN has a new single! Its called One Drop, and I know any KAT-TUN fans that read this journal will rush to download this. Click here to download the single. I find it to be extremely good. Let's see how far it going on the Oricon weekly singles.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Bane is Green with Envy

How evil are you?
I guess I'm not cut out to be evil XDDD
Anyways, I have returned home from my long trip for a soccer game, that we lost two to zero, to have my friends page on livejournal fill with reports about Sho being in New York for Yatterman. Dang it, I wanted to go see him, too! At moments like these, I just have to sit back and ignore all of the entries or I'm going to get jealous from everyone that did go and see him. One person had a conversation with him! Gaa! Bane is not happy right now. Just to imagine that I sat through classes, soccer games, and practices to not go and see him. Hopefully something else will occupy my mind before I go green with envy.
And, in all of this jealousy, I approve of Shiraishi's version of Valentine's Day Kiss. It's my second favorite behind Sanada's just because Sanada's was just too funny.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Shoes, Shoes

Well, besides being oh so very jealous for the people that were able to go to New York to see Sho (and to hear him speak English), I realized two things today.

1. Fajitas are delicious
2. All the teams for the Prince of Tennis have different shoes.

Yes, you read right. All the characters have different shoes. I find that amazing. I acutally went through all of the pictures people were sharing and it's true. I like Kin-chan's shoes. They're cool looking.

On another note that relates to PoT, this year's Valentine's Day Kiss has been released (which means I somehow found it on livejournal). This year, as I have already posted about, is Shiraishi's turn to sing. Click here to download the song and listen to it yourself. I, personally, love Shiraishi's voice. Hopefully, this will be as good as Bible.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Mei-chan no Shitsuji Part 2

I would seriously suggest watching Mei-chan no Shitsuji. a butler. Who wouldn't love that? Jutta is adorable in this drama, too. HE HAS HAIR!!!! I'm starting to find him extremely cute. Uh, watch? Please? There are only three episodes out (I've watched two) but this is amazing. Now, I need to see Uta no Onii-san three.

Snow Day?

My state is so retarded. We have barely an inch of snow and they cancel school. Oh well. At least I get an extra day to work on my Broadcasting homework.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Mei-chan no Shitsuji

Along with weekly updates of Uta no Onii-san, I think I'm going to watch Mei-chan no Shitsuji too. First, it has Mizushima Hiro in it. Second, it has Kato Keisuke in it. Third, Yuki Jutta (Jackal) is in it. From what I've seen from photos, he has hair in this one! Mizushima Hiro as a butler, God I'm going to enjoy this drama.

More Tenipuri Song Info

Alright, I don't know if this is reliable or not but, Ryoma and Kintarou will have a single out on April 1st and on April 15th Shiraishi will have a single. Yukimura's album has a title now which is "Last Songs". I hope this doesn't mean he won't have any other songs after this.

AND KATO KAZUKI HAS A NEW SINGLE!....Had to add that in there because he is my favorite J-guy and it's called Venom and I've seen the PV for it and I love the song and this is one long run on sentence and I know I should stop but I can't seem to. Uh, listen to it? I found someone that ripped the song from the PV and put it up for download.I'll upload it to mediafire if someone wants to listen to it. GO KAZUKI! Whoo! (I still want him to appear in Kamen Rider Decade!)


Kamen Rider Decade is awesome! It has the past nine seasons combined into one (I'm praying for Kazuki to be in an episode since he was in Kamen Rider Kabuto). One of the new Atobe's plays the main character who doesn't understand why his photos come out all screwed up. I saw Punch and Kick Hopper for the previews of episode two~!

My family has "a lot of faith" in my brother. He asked us what we thought he got on his Algebra I quiz and our first guesses were thirty-five and forty. Show how much we believe in him. He actually recieved a one hundred. Way to go bro! He did slightly better on his quiz then I did on my Algebra II test. 99 baby~! Math is definatly my strong spot.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Bowl


Koki can cook?

First off, I would like to say that I've been reading a lot recently. I think I've finished three books in maybe a week. I haven't done that in.....well.....a year or two. Two of the books were short (around three hundred pages) and the last one was just over five hundred. So, that's, like, 1,100 pages in a week. The books, by title, are Evernight by Claudia Gray, Marked by P.C. and Kristin Cast, and The Black Tattoo by Sam Enthoven. Now I've moved onto Betrayed by the Casts' and I'll be rereading Host by Stephanie Meyer too. Not to meantion I have five other books that are on my wait list.

I blame my mom and her friend for this. Me and my mom's friend's daughter are trading books since we both love to read. She gave me seven books. Six deal with vampires and another is about ghosts. I've given her two Jodi Picoult books, my Trickster books (Trickster's Choice and Queen), Freedom Writer's Diary, and the City of Bones and City of Ashes (I WANT CITY OF GLASS BUT IF COMES OUT IN MARCH!)....Yeah.......

I don't want to start on how some of the characters in the vampire books are sueish so I'll stop with the books.

I had this weird dream yesterday. I'll give you the interesting part. We went over to my dad's friend's house for some food. Out front, by the garage, there was a dual sided grill and Koki was there in all his gangster glory. He asked me if I wanted a steak and I said sure. I took a slab of raw steak and put it on my side of the grill. I stood there for around a minute or two and nothing was happening. I then realized my grill wasn't on. I turned the dial to the '2', flipped my steak over, and one side was already brown. I looked over at Koki and he had brean on the grill. Somehow, he slid the bread togethor and created a steak sandwhich (boy did the steak look good). Instead of saying something like "How'd you do that??" or "Could you do that for me?" I asked "Where'd you get bread?" (*cue anime face-fault).Here's the worse part. Just as I was sitting down to my steak meal with Koki, my mom opened the door to my room and woke me up. WHY MOM?!!!!! Could you please let me enjoy this dream a little more?

God, I believe this is my fifth dream with something to go with something Japanese. First was Kaidoh, then Aiba, then Sanada, and the me naming the dog Mamoru.